Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Get ready for a new project!

Hi everyone!

Vi ho già anticipato che sto lavorando ad una nuova misteriosa idea...: preparatevi anche voi imparando le parole presentate nei video. We're going to have fun!

Have a look at this map of the world:

Now you can join in the song:


 Clare - the Witch


Click the boys and write plural forms of nouns:

 Clare - the Witch

Friday, April 5, 2019


We're using Plickers!

Plickers is an assessment tool which offers teachers a quick and simple way to check student understanding, allowing them  to collect on-the-spot formative assessment data without the need to have students use devices or paper and pencil.   “It provides students with the opportunity to participate and engage in learning without feeling self-conscious.” ( It’s a data collection tool that’s helpful for teachers and fun for the students!

 Clare - the Witch

Monday, April 1, 2019

It's spring!