Tuesday, February 20, 2018

First day at school

Hi, everyone!

Click, listen and do the esercises:


  Clare - the Witch

Monday, February 19, 2018

Ancient Egypt

Hello, everyone!

How are you? As you're studying the Egyptian civilization with your history teachers, have a look at this nice activities. The next is an adventure in a tomb, offered by the fantastic site of the National Museum of Scotland:
Explore ancient Egypt:
Now prepare a corpse for burial:

This is also an interesting link:
Learn some words about the Egyptians:

I'm sure now you know almost everything about Egypt...
If you're a teacher, check the page above, under the map FOR EFL TEACHERS: Ancient Egypt - CLIL Project.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

School timetable

Hi, everyone!

Click and do a game about school subjects:


 Clare - the Witch

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

What does the fox say?

I know you like this song!

It's funny, I like it too!


Here's the fill-in-gaps text (click to download):


 Clare - the Witch

Monday, February 12, 2018

My dad


Click and listen to Lottie telling us about her dad:

Don't forget to do the preparation activites and the game!


  Clare - the Witch