Saturday, December 22, 2018

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!!!

Eccoci mentre raccontiamo storie di Natale e cantiamo una canzone in inglese con i bambini di prima: come sono carini!
Una delle storie che abbiamo raccontato è in inglese; abbiamo chiesto cosa avessero capito e uno di loro ha risposto: "Io ho capito: OH NO!".  

I wish you the best Christmas holidays!

 Clare - the Witch

Santa’s Everyday Morning Routine

Hi everyone!
Would you like to know what Santa does everyday?
Watch this funny video:

Now watch this:

After telling the story in class, we wrote Santa's daily routine in groups:

Have a nice day Santa!
 Clare - the Witch

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

What's the time?

Hi! Now that you're learning how to say the time in English, try this list of games about time.
First, match the clocks with the right times:

Now move the hands of the clock  to the right time:

The next game is more fun, but you need to be very precise at stopping the minutes hand: you get 1000 points if it's at the right time (SPOT ON), only 750 if it's near (SO CLOSE).
If it's too fast for you, you can adjust hands speed at the beginning

Clare - the Witch

Daily routines questions

Hi, everyone!

Click on the picture and watch a video about daily routines. Answer the questions yourself, like the kid you can hear in the video, using:
      Yes, always
                        Yes, sometimes
                                                No, never.

Clare - the Witch

Time and daily routine

Hi, everyone! How are you?
The test  is getting nearer, so get more exercise on time and daily routine with this book made by a French teacher of English (Click this book, then click Afficher en plein écran):

And... good luck for your test!
Bye bye,

 Clare - the Witch

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018



What do you do? I'm a teacher and I like my job very much!

Click and learn some new words about jobs:

Click and play with jobs:

Now sing the song:
Don't forget to play the GAME, it's right below the song.

Listen to the story:
Play the spelling game, just below the story.


 Clare - the Witch

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Osservatorio Astronomico

Hello everyone!

Giovedì siamo andati al Parco Pineta di Tradate, un bellissimo parco dove sarebbe bello tornare con il bel tempo per esplorarlo meglio!

Eccoci qui, in volo nello spazio: