Friday, October 27, 2017

It's Halloween: let's sing!

Hello, how are you today? I'm fine!

Click the picture, watch the videos and sing these Halloween songs:

Bye bye!

Trick or treat?


Get ready for Halloween!

Enjoy yourself!

 Clare - the Witch

Halloween Story

Hello, everybody! 

               How are you? Listen to the Halloween Story I told you at school. 

Halloween StoryWithAudio1

I hope you like it! (If you are a teacher, go the page FOR TEACHERS: MIX, at the top of the screen)
Good night,

Clare - the Witch

Halloween games!

Hello, everybody!
       Here are some Halloween games for you! They're really SCARY!
Click on review first, to revise Halloween vocabulary, then play game 1 and 2 - the voice you hear is American:

Now play hangman with Halloween vocabulary:
Enjoy yourself! Bye bye,
 Clare - the Witch

Happy Halloween!

Halloween creatures...

Hello! How are you today? I'm fine!

Click here and play a game of pelmanism with Halloween words, matching picture and word:
Bye bye!!

Halloween activities

Hello, everyone!
      How are you? I'm fine and I'm very excited: just a few days to HALLOWEEN!!

Listen to the Scary Skeleton's song:
Have a nice week end,
 Clare - the Witch

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Com'è grande il mondo!

Clicca sull'immagine e scopri quali sono i continenti:

Il prossimo gioco è piu' difficile, ma prova a farlo: imparerai dove sono i Paesi europei.

Il gioco che segue è veramente difficile: dovete velocemente trovare la città richiesta, mettete alla prova i vostri genitori!

Com'è andata??


 Clare - the Witch