Friday, February 21, 2014

Black or White


Watch the video of Michael Jackson's song BLACK OR WHITE:

Did you like it? Let me know, please!
I hope you watched carefully: try this quiz

Black Or White - Micheal Jackson

More PowerPoint presentations from Chiara Mantegazza

(If you're a teacher, have a look at the page at the top of the blog FOR EFL TEACHER: MIX, where I put some worksheets to revise the world landmarks)

Clare - the Witch

First Reading Challenge

Hi, everyone!

      congratulations to all students of class 5b for taking part in the First Reading Challenge!!!
All students enjoyed the challenge and did their best to run and find the information necessary to answer the questions!

 Clare - the Witch

P.S. If you're a teacher, see the page a the top of the blog FOR EFL TEACHERS: MIX to download the game instructions

Saturday, February 15, 2014

How do you go to school?

Hi, everyone!
         How do you go to school? In winter I usually go by car, but when the weather is nice I like going to school by bike. If you're one of my pupils, you probably go to school by car, by bike or walking. If you are not one of my pupils, maybe you live far from the school and you go to school by boat or by train: let me know, please!
         Here you can find some games and activities about vehicles and trasport.

Listen to the words and click on the correct vehicle picture:

Now listen and colour the vehicles:

 Can you spell the words concerning transport? Burst the right balloons as they go past:
        Well, I hope you enjoyed yourself, now it's time for me to go to the bathroom, brush my teeth, put on my pyjamas and go to bed with my teddy bear.
     Good night and sweet dreams,
(if you are a teacher, you can go to my page at the top of the screen: FOR EFL TEACHERS: MIX)

Clare - the Witch

Friday, February 14, 2014

Discover the Romans

Hi, everyone!

           Do you like history? I do! As you're learning about the Romans with your history teacher, click and find out more, dressing a legionary and an auxiliary soldier:
building a Roman fort:
translating a Roman inscription:
These activities are by the National Museum Scotland, which has got a very interesting website.
Now go to the BBC website and find this very nice activity; I know, it's quite long, but please be patient and listen carefully to all the instructions. (click the picture below and then Dig it Up: Romans)
After this activity, you can explore the same page for more information about the Romans.
I hope you enjoyed yourself and learnt something more about the Romans!

Friday, February 7, 2014


Hello, everyone!
      Watch this episode of What's your News - I know, it's quite difficult, but the more you listen, the more you understand! If you register to the learnenglishkids site, you can even download the text and activities about the video:
You can find other videos in the same British Council site.

Sweet listening time

Hi, everyone!
              Every Friday afternoon we enjoy our Sweet Listening Time: I read a book aloud and the students listen to the story while enjoying a sweet or something good.
              Last Friday I brought something I made at home in my cauldron: troll's snot (brown in the picture) and witch's snot (white in the picture), stuck on an iguana's brain, look:

Yum yum! This is a really delicious old witch's recipe!

Would you like to listen to a story?

Hi, everyone!
      Do you get bored when you're waiting for your turn at the dentist's or at the hairdresser's?
Ask your parents to download this free app for Android phones or tablets and you can listen to English stories with subtitles you can read!
      Click the pictures to find the links: