At last I've managed to make the video in which you follow Holly's and Bud's steps across the river!
Please forgive me for the poor technical quality...
I want to thanks Oxford University Press for the story, Scarlet for her voice and...
Vi è piaciuta la storia di amicizia di Piccolo Blu e Piccolo Giallo?
Sono proprio dei grandi AMICI!
Eccoli fermi e composti con i loro compagni in classe:
Dopo la scuola corrono e saltano con i loro amici:
Sono tutti diversi, proprio come noi: chi ha i capelli scuri, chi chiari, chi porta gli occhiali, chi no, chi parla italiano chi parla un'altra lingua, chi ha la pelle nera e chi bianca, chi è timido e chi è un po' monello.
E proprio come noi sono tutti diversi ma possono essere AMICI!!
Se volete leggere il libro, lo trovate in biblioteca.
How are you? I'm fine.
Look at this little black spider:
You can make your own spider with some cotton wool, some black crepe paper, sello tape and glue.
I made the legs with those sticks used to clean pipes with... I don't know how you can call them... Mine were grey, so I coloured them black with paint, cut them in half and stuck them under the spider with glue - REMEMBER: spiders have 8 legs!!! (Insects have 6).
I had two nice little plastic eyes, but you can make them with pieces of round white paper with a black spot in the middle.
And for the spout, I used two empty paper rolls, a long and a short one:
I cut them along the lenght, so as to make them larger. Then my sweet little daughter Marta, my little witch, made the spout with glue and paper bits:
Then I made a weather flashcard with rain on one side, sunshine on the other. Now you are ready to sing:
Ok, you're right: I really sing like a witch!!!
Do you want to hear a better version of the song? Here it is: